- To order products, you must register on our site. This can be done here:
Click here to register
- When browsing our catalogue, you can order products by clicking on the “Order” button. The quantity is indicated in the input field and can be increased using the + buttons. If you already have ordered on line, you can consult the list of ordered products and immediately order them without browsing through the catalogue.
- After each order, you will obtain the overview of your order, in which can remove products from the list or confirm your order.
- When we receive your order, you will obtain an e-mail confirming the take-out date of your order. info@bierschuur.be
- Important note concerning delivery of ordered items:
By default, customers are able to pick up their ordered items at our shop. Request for an inquiry (price) at info@bierschuur.be if you would like to have the items shipped to you. Provide us with the ordernr, and all the necessary details concerning the shipment. Based on this data, we are able to provide you with a correct price.